About Paul Williams
Called by many the “father of rock criticism” after founding Crawdaddy Magazine at the age of 17, crucial early champion of Philip K Dick, author of the underground classic Das Energi, confidant of John Lennon, biographer of Bob Dylan and traveling companion to the Grateful Dead, Paul Williams has lived a half dozen remarkable lifetimes, and his work as rock critic, holistic philosopher and avant-garde underground gadfly forms a unique and indespensible link through the past 40 years of pop and rock culture.
About The Accident
In 1995, Paul Williams suffered a traumatic brain injury in a bicycle accident, leading to early onset of dementia, and a steady decline to the point where he now requires full-time care.
The burden on his immediate family has been immense.
On March 27, 2013, Paul passed away gently and peacefully, with his hand held by his oldest son, Kenta.
More About Paul's Family
You can find out more about how Paul's family is doing by reading his wife Cindy Lee's blog, Beloved Stranger, about her life with a brain injured spouse.
About This Website
Our purpose in creating this site is to ask for your help, in the form of contributions of any size, to assist in Paul's continued care and medical attention.
We hope you'll explore the site, and learn more about the work of this remarkable individual.
Then, if you can, please visit the donation page we've set up, and contribute.
The Friends and Family of Paul Williams.